Our expertise | Ground Gas | GGS Scotland
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Our expertise

Find out more about the experience and expertise the GGS Scotland team can bring to your project.

Colleague on site with headworks and ground gas monitoring equipment

Our experience

Across GGS Scotland and the wider GGS family, we have extensive specialist experience in the world of ground gas.


We have unparalleled knowledge of ground gas properties and behaviour, along with the largest fleet of continuous monitoring equipment in the UK.


This makes us the natural choice for providing customers with real solutions to highly complex problems.

Technical innovation

Our ethos is adopting and developing innovative, cutting-edge approaches.  The wider GGS family was the first adopter of in the ground gas industry of GasClam® - the world’s very first in-borehole continuous ground gas monitoring technology.

We then developed the GasSentinel - the next generation in continuous ground gas monitoring - which is an instrumentation service exclusive to GGS Scotland and the wider GGS family.

Colleague with technical equipment in a workshop
Gas Sentinel

Improved approaches

We are industry leaders in developing and improving understanding and monitoring approaches in our sector.


Our senior managers regularly contribute to national and international conferences, deliver training events and contribute to technical guidance for the industry.


As a result, our senior managers are thought leaders in our sector.


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